Thursday, July 10, 2008

宝贝一天一天大咯 (Kang Kang)

老大康康现在Ian的妈妈家,现在改名Brandy 啦.它刚送过去的那几个月,他们担心它到处跑,它体型又小,怕找不到它,就把它绑在楼梯口.我听了,好心痛,好难过.



我的小康康加油哦 ! 妈眯会在这里为你祈祷..

Friday, March 7, 2008


今天带了5只小宝贝去Namly Animal Clinic, Dr Ling 哪儿去打第一支预防针.一到诊所,每个人都把注意力围绕在它们身上,都夸它们可爱,漂亮.(of course, 它们是在爱的环境里成长的).

Dr Ling 的细心真的让我放心,虽然她的收费比其他的诊所高 (宝贝们的预防针要$ 45一只).但还是值得的.看Dr Ling 的细心检查,友善的态度,专心聆听.Dr Ling 说宝贝们都很健康,我就放心了.其中有两只宝宝的颈部有些像头皮屑似的干皮,Dr Ling 说它们大点就ok 的,

这我也知道了,我家的Yang Yang 小时候也是如此,现在已经ok 了.这可能是喝奶时,没清理好所造成的,只要保持干净,干爽就行了.

离开了Namly Animal Clinic, 我们就把宝贝们都带到Turf Club去用早餐,它们都乖乖的待在纸箱内.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Indoor Requirments

Shihtzu is considered a house dog. Therefore, the majority of its life will be spent indoors.

Keep in mind that dogs are territorial animals and their behavior and mental well being are greatly affected by their environment. Making sure that your Shih Tzu has the proper indoor space requirements is the first step in assuring the proper adjustment of your pet to its new environment.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Shihtzu Family

Time flies, my puppies are already 1 month and 7 days old.

一想到过3个星期就要和它们Bye Bye 了,心里真的不舍得.不知道它们会否想我,